Diald Magazine

Diald Magazine
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

revoloving and evolving: from 13"s to 30"s

Wheels, tires and rims have always been the first thing someone will notice about your ride. The first impression so to speak! There are custom wheels, race wheels, classic wheels and so on. Lets focus on the custom wheels here the wheels that are more for looks than anything, and the cultures that have pushed and embraced the limits of custom wheels over the years. So how did we evolve from the tiny 13" wire wheels to the massive 30+ inch "dunks" that are cruising around today?

It Didn't take long before they ran out of room on cars and started
making larger wheels for trucks!

The 13" wire wheels and rims were made popular in the west coast communities, often referred to as "Dayton's." the look went mainstream in the early and mid 90's as top choice for aftermarket wheels.

Dayton wire wheels have
rich history!
Most wheels and rims in the early 90's were small, leaving little to no option for someone wanting to go the extra mile when customizing their cars. 16's might have been pushing it in the early 90's. However as the aftermarket wheel craze started, so too did the technology! By the mid 90's Pirelli the tire manufacturer had created the 20" tire! This lit the fuse for what was to come....

Custom manufacturers and brands started to pop up everywhere. Creatively and stylishly creating wheels and rims that went beyond size! By the early 2000's there were luxury wheel brands all over. Creating "floaters" and "spinners" with extravagant custom colors and so on. The sizes of the wheel "lip" started to get deeper. New brands like "DUB" made a name for themselves off of the 20" milestone and of course started focusing on 22", 23", 24" etc.
Ridiculous as they might seem, it took years before something
like this was possible and "donk's" would be so BIG!

Trucks and SUV's started to become the focus due to their massive wheel wells and lift kits. Creating custom wheels that would fit the tough and bulky off road look was a must! More new manufacturers and companies would come in to take advantage of this market.

A few short years later we have started to see the main stream go for the "dunk" look with 30" inch rims on a CAR! Lifting and cutting to make more room, these "donks" are attention grabbers for sure! The name deriving from the urban term "badonkadonk" used to describe a larger "booty." Not a look for everyone, but you can't help but notice the the first impression!


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